In a world of fast changing environments – which has been defined by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity for decades, we face now and in future new challenges which are caused by the worldwide climatic change, the Covid-19 pandemic, global conflicts and the new geopolitical world situation – such as brittleness, anxiety, non-linearity and in-comprehensiveness. We have entered the age of digital transformation and within the next 5–10 years, 50-60% of all current jobs will cooperate with artificial intelligence. In these transitional times, it will be highly relevant to keep your body, mind and spirit in balance and to focus on your instinctive strength, connecting with Mother Earth and using your intuition by living your authentic truth.
Protect your soul in this great transitional time on our planet to be able to have visions, show resilience, adaptivity and feel empathy for humanity.
“So wie zu Beginn der rote Faden im Fokus steht, im Verlauf der Entwicklung von Ideen, Projekten und Events die kundenorientierte, zielorientierte und Nachhaltigkeit stiftende Detailarbeit, sind es am Ende das herzliche Lächeln und die Lust, Erfolge MITEINANDER zu feiern. Egal, ob als socialmedia-Expertin, als Projekt- und Eventmanagerin oder als Ideen-Spinnerin in einem Team – Judiths Professionalität ist einzigartig und sehr bereichernd.”
“Judith’s passion and commitment to supporting and guiding people on their journey to greater alignment with their strengths and their expression and contribution in the world is remarkable! Judith has a sincere desire to help people have greater understanding of themselves, and of the people in their personal and professional lives through her coaching process, and through profiles such as Kolbe. Judith is a compassionate visionary who puts her ideas to action, and helps others do the same by providing deadlines and accountability.”