I grew up in the center of a 1200 inhabitants community in the Upper Austrian Hausruckviertel – in the building of the elementary school, where my father worked as a school principal and teacher and thus also taught his own children. I spent the first 9 years of my life in the schoolhouse and garden between the grocery store and the church – I remember the smell of the schoolhouse and the sound of the school bell very well as well as the small color magazine ‘World of Children’ that my father always brought home to me – it showed children in SOS Children’s Villages in different countries of the world – they inspired me to direct my perspective towards the world, people and humanity even back then – and today I see myself as a cosmopolitan woman with a vision for the future.

Image: Zell am Pettenfirst


Mother and nature were always one for me, as my mother always preferred everything ‘natural’ in various areas. With particular passion, my mother showed us children in the ‘big’ school garden to see and enjoy the many, small beauties and pleasures in the course of the seasons. So I was able to spend many hours in the great outdoors, whether in the garden, at a friend’s farm or in the adjacent forest. The silence of the forest is still a unique retreat for me today, where I find God, relaxation and inspiration.

Image: Redwoods, California


In principle, I have always been fascinated by everything that is connected with movement: from ‘I move myself to what moves my fellow human beings to how can I move something in this world and who already moves a lot. I find it hard to stand still. Whether running for a charity run or discussing world-changing issues, I am an innovator and I am motivated to find solutions to future challenges.

Image: San Francisco


My grandparents on both sides were entrepreneurs and Christian Democrats. The entrepreneurial, Christian mindset has always been evident in my parents’ upbringing – in a strongly developed sense of responsibility, drive for financial independence, sense for social issues, a very disciplined work attitude, ‘common sense’ and very creative solutions to everyday challenges. As the daughter of a once refugee and stateless mother, helping people in need has always come naturally to our entire family. Showing empathy for the most vulnerable and standing up for human rights is one of my strengths. I want to continue my grandparents’ entrepreneurial spirit with joy and creativity in my business JU_nique.

Image: Europakreuz Feuerkogel

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