“It’s a quantum physics concept where everything that can happen, is happening, in an infinite number of parallel universes.”
– Maria Semple

If I remember correctly, I first encountered the term ‘hybrid’ (from the Greek hybris = something bundled, mixed) during my school days (high school) in the subject of biology – in connection with genera and species and then later in connection with hybrid cars in the 1990s. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, we have begun to incorporate this term more and more into our everyday language: Hybrid Teaching, Hybrid Meetings, Hybrid Conferences…all the way to Hybrid World and this Hybrid World is now impossible to ignore.
We actually live in several parallel worlds, everything is mixing: we are present on site and online at the same time; we live our ‘normal life’ and next door is war. We go forward and carry the backpack of the pandemic on our backs, we wish for ‘old’ and ‘familiar’ things back and at the same time take off in the process of digitalization – we feel the consequences of man-made global warming and no longer hear the cries for help from our planet. We are experiencing together, yet alone, a tremendous transformation as humanity and have forgotten how it all began.
We smash our visions and sensations in the noise of everyday routine and have forgotten to listen to our inner voice – we live in a fascinating time and world – and forget to give thanks for it.
In this hybrid world we do not notice that we grow in our consciousness and experience the boundlessness of our existence anew and thus can(t) feel God – The Great Spirit more again …
I end my text with an excerpt of one of my favorite Coldplay songs and wish you an Amazing Day (…) 👇
And I asked can the birds in poetry chime?
Can there be breaks in the chaos of the times?
Oh, thanks God
Must have heard when I prayed
‘Cause now I always want to feel this way
Amazing day
Amazing day
Amazing day
Amazing day
Yeah, today (…)
👉How do you experience the ‘hybrid world’ I described?
👉Are there moments in which you perceive the ‘boundlessness of our existence’ in an especially conscious way?
👉Do you nurture your relationship to the Great Spirit – what are you especially grateful for?
👱♀️🇦🇹Erika Kogler-Marian
I first saw Erika during Lockdown 2 or 3 at a ZOOM prayer meditation, and it was only recently that we consciously met in person for the first time to exchange ideas. Our first meeting was extremely entertaining, and we quickly found some common interests and parallels. I admire Erika for her positive life energy, style, sense of enjoyment and versatility. Erika loves nature and sports, is interested in fashion, foreign cultures, and their culinary arts – she has a special love for the city of Venice, where she could definitely imagine living. Erika sees her calling in dealing with spirituality in order to recognize and face her learning issues.
👩🏼⚕️🇦🇹Ingrid Blumauer
Ingrid and I were introduced to each other by our mutual friend Conny Wernitznig in 2003 in Freistadt, Upper Austria – Ingrid works as an ordination assistant and healing masseuse, loves to travel, and has a special relationship with the USA.
I admire her sense of perfection, her creativity, her sympathetic, open, and friendly nature.
I met Hadley 9 years ago in Whittier/LA during a class with our teacher Victor Barron. Since then, she has been a spiritual healing practitioner and she is also a wellness coach.
Hadley has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Interior Design and a Master of Science in Health Promotion Management and lives in northern California with her husband and four children.
Hadley enjoys running, Peloton, and strength training. To me Hadley is a wonderful woman and soul – full of grace, empathy and love.
👱♀️🇦🇹 Erika Kogler-Marian
👉How do you experience the ‘hybrid world’ I described?
I experience the hybridization of our living environment as a structural change of ‘extremes’.
On the one hand, as further development, and acceleration of existing concepts, for example digitalization in the world, which makes many things easier for us.
On the other hand, however, the impoverishment of social contacts and the resulting alienation from oneself, because the feedback of feelings by the other person is missing or, in other words, the lack of experiencing oneself in the interaction with other people. In my opinion, the ‘reading’ of a person is also lost, i.e., being able to interpret or assess oneself and/or one’s counterpart emotionally decreases. This has the consequence that empathy and mutual understanding impoverish. The effects of this circumstance are already more or less apparent in world events.
👉Are there moments in which you are particularly aware of the ‘boundlessness of our existence’?
For me, living without boundaries means living consciously, living a meaningful life. Supporting pillars for me are patience, creativity, wisdom, generosity, and contemplation. A life with God in everything that is. I.e., to include God in every everyday action and not exclusively in the legally religious context.
👉Do you nurture your relationship with the Great Spirit – what are you especially grateful for?
Gratitude is the basic prerequisite for me to be able to feel honest joy. I am grateful to be able to live a beautiful, carefree life.
Above all, I am very grateful to have a daughter and to be able to live with her in a loving, enriching relationship that is based on mutual appreciation, respect, and love. This is due, among other things, to intensive healing work and processing of karmic and dissolution of family patterns.
In addition, I am grateful that I am developing more and more to have a fulfilling life as a single person and to grow in my consciousness, especially in my spiritual consciousness through and with the help and support of Jesus Christ and Mother Mary.
👩🏼⚕️🇦🇹Ingrid Blumauer
👉How do you experience the ‘Hybrid World’ I described?
I feel the same way. We sit at the breakfast table open the newspaper, see reports of war, murder, and manslaughter, and eat our breakfast cereal and drink our coffee in peace, as if nothing had happened, because we are already so jaded by many daily reports from TV, newspaper and social media, that we perceive this as ” normal ” daily routine.
👉Are there moments in which you perceive the ‘boundlessness of our existence’ particularly consciously?
I rephrase the answer into questions: Our final limit of death? Not the time to bet on limitless freedom? A daily struggle for existence?
👉Do you nurture your relationship with the Great Spirit – what are you especially grateful for?
I always have the courage to live, because I am a very positive person, and I can always find something positive in negative things. I do not see the problem, but the solution.
👉How do you experience the ‘hybrid world’ I described?
What I notice about the word hybrid is that it seems to be a clear indication that something is within a state of transformation. During the Covid-19 pandemic, my teenagers eagerly waited for their school to be online (it took a month before our city was able to launch online school), then they were able to continue with hybrid learning for some time before they were able to return fully to school in-person. Human beings have an innate ability to adapt to change, but that does not mean adapting is easy. It takes a complete rearranging of what we have known to be our reality. It challenges our thoughts, attitudes, beliefs, as well as our own life experience. In order to accept and make peace with inevitable change, we essentially must make a conscious choice to accept it.
👉Are there moments in which you perceive the ‘boundlessness of our existence’ in an especially conscious way?
Yes, I feel that the choices I make on a daily basis are directly impacting the world around me. Human interactions have a ripple effect, so if we treat people with kindness then that will be passed to another individual, and to another individual…and so on. One act of kindness can then become boundless. What we say and do reveal our true level of consciousness. We cannot say we are enlightened if we treat another human being with disrespect. As people, we have many beliefs, unconscious attitudes, as well as many opinions. However, it is our daily words and actions that either create a better world or contribute to more suffering.
👉Do you nurture your relationship to the Great Spirit – what are you especially grateful for?
My relationship with God is of greatest importance to me. I would wither as a flower without water if I do not pray daily and connect with God. I am spiritual as well as a religious person. As a child, I was raised in the Jewish faith. I found tremendous comfort in religion as a young girl, and I have continued to nurture my faith now as a Christian. I converted in my early 20’s and attended Catholic universities for both undergraduate and graduate studies. After the deaths of two of my sisters in my teens (car accidents), I had a profound spiritual experience that let me know God was aware of the pain I was experiencing. I was also able to understand that my sisters continue to live in spirit and did not truly die. I will see them again one day. I am extremely grateful for my life and all the people I am able to spend it with. To have a loving connection and relationship with my husband, my children, and my dearest of friends….to be surrounded with love and meaning.
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